Benefits of Membership
Our Children magazine, PTA’s flagship publication with parenting articles by experts on children's health, education, and well-being; and information on advocacy efforts; the latest news that affects children and youth.
¨ Professionally designed public service announcements (PSAs) to aid in membership recruitment.
¨ National PTA Annual Convention registration information.
¨ A Back-to-School kit containing recruitment ideas and other materials to get the year started.
¨ Teacher Appreciation Week ideas.
¨ Select resources developed in collaboration with PTA’s national partners.
¨ National PTA's Membership Achievement Program.
¨ Numerous resources on parent involvement programs, fundraising, working collaboratively, and much more.
¨ Discounts and special offers from a host of PTA Member Benefits Providers.
¨ Individual members have access to a number of exclusive benefits too, including:
· Online parenting resources, including select articles from Our Children magazine.
· E-newsletters on parenting and legislative issues.
· Exclusive National PTA member benefits and sponsor offers.
· Leadership training opportunities in-person and online.
· Discounted member rate for PTA’s annual national convention, magazine subscriptions, and more.
· The Member-to-Member Network, connecting you to Congress when help is needed on issues important to children, schools, and families.
To learn about member discounts go to: http://www.pta.org/pta_member_benefits.asp
Why Be Involved?
You're the kind of parent who would do anything for your child. And so would we. We're the Pennsylvania PTA and we support better education, more resources, safer schools for every child, and greater parent involvement. From homework to recess, from friendships to family, your child's development never stops. And neither do we.
When you join PTA, you join millions of others nation-wide and thousands of others state-wide who care about issues that affect kids. Kids and violence. Kids and TV. And of course, kids and school. Membership is open to anyone concerned with the education, health, and welfare of children and youth. If there's not a PTA already working in your community, you can organize one or join a nearby local PTA unit.
Your membership in the PTA means:¨ Making a difference in the lives of children and youth
¨ Supporting appropriate legislation to improve laws, policies, and conditions on behalf of children.
¨ Obtaining valuable information, news, and services to keep you abreast of key issues affecting children.
Benefits of Local PTA Membership
Invest in your child's future by:¨ Advocating for better conditions for children and families
¨ Promoting quality education and a true partnership between home and school
¨ Striving to expand the arts
¨ Encouraging community involvement
¨ Working for a healthy environment and safe neighborhoods
¨ A Way to Influence Decisions Affecting the Welfare of Your Child
¨ Communicate with local and state decision makers on issues and concerns facing today's children such as:
· Violence prevention in schools, on television, and on the Internet
· Parent involvement programs promoting parent and family participation in education
· Drug-free schools and communities
· HIV prevention education and comprehensive school health programs
· A Chance to Increase Your Skills Both Personally and Professionally
¨ Grow personally and professionally through leadership development by strengthening your skills in:
· Speaking in public
· Conducting meetings
· Planning events and programs
· Building partnerships with other education and health organizations and groups
¨ A Way to Obtain Resources on a Wide Variety of Child-Related Issues
¨ Obtain valuable information on parenting, educating, health, and safety topics like:
· Resources for encouraging parent/family involvement
· Ideas for making parent-teacher conferences work
· Tips for influencing a child's self image in positive ways
· Programs for promoting school and bike safety