• Is Convention Coming to a City Near You?

    It can be if you submit a proposal to host the annual Pennsylvania PTA Convention!  The State Board of Managers must select the date and location for the upcoming state conventions.  Currently, the board is looking for a site for the 2026 in person convention.

    Did you ever wonder how the State Board of Managers selects the location for the annual state convention?  Local units or councils submit a written proposal to host the annual event. 

    What do you need to do in order to submit a proposal?  Click on the links at the bottom of this page titled "Proposal for State Convention Site" and "Convention Site Must Haves."   Print out the two documents.  Then, select one or two hotels/resorts in your area that meet the requirements on the “Must Haves” document.  Be sure to bring a copy of the “Proposal to Host the Pennsylvania PTA State Convention” document with you when you visit the hotel/resort sales department and ask them to provide a proposal packet to you. 

    Submit the completed “Proposal” to the Pennsylvania PTA, Attn: Convention Committee, 5120 Derry Street  PO BOX 4767 , Harrisburg, PA 17111 by July 1st in order to be considered for the site of the 2026 Convention.

    We’d love to bring the excitement of Convention to your city where you can showcase what your area has to offer and “show off” your students talents.  So, is convention coming to a city near you?  We certainly hope so!


    Proposal for State Convention Site

    Click here for a list of recommended Convention Site "Must Haves"