The National Congress of Mothers, irrespective of creed, color or condition, stands for all parenthood, childhood, homehood. -----Alice McLellan Birney, 1898 , Cofounder of National PTA
Those words, true in 1898, are even truer today. PTAs everywhere must understand and embrace the uniqueness of all individuals, appreciating that each contributes a diversity of views, experiences, cultural heritage/traditions, skills/abilities, values and preferences. When PTAs respect differences yet acknowledge shared commonalities uniting their communities, and then develop meaningful priorities based upon their knowledge, they genuinely represent their communities. When PTAs represent their communities, they gain strength and effectiveness through increased volunteer and resource support.
Definitions: For the purpose of this policy:
“Diversity” shall mean and encompass at least the following sources of diversity: age, backgrounds, beliefs, culture, economic status, education, ethnicity, family health, family history, family size, gender, gender identity or expression, geographical location, income level, language, marital status, military experience, national origin, organizational position and tenure, parental status, perspectives, physical or mental ability, political philosophy, race, religion, sexual orientation, values and work experience
“Inclusion” shall mean to seek and value input from as wide a spectrum of viewpoints and experiences as practical.
The recognition of diversity within organizations is valuing differences and similarities in people through actions and accountability. These differences and similarities include age, ethnicity, language and culture, economic status, educational background, gender, geographic location, marital status, mental ability, national origin, organizational position and tenure, parental status, physical ability, political philosophy, race, religion, sexual orientation, and work experience.
PTA Diversity Plan Vision Statement
Pennsylvania PTA will be recognized as the leading liaison for connecting its members to local, state and national inclusion and diversity resources to ensure equal access and equal outcomes for all students and to ensure every child’s potential becomes a reality.
Diversity affects our mission-driven programs and services, our public image, interpersonal, personal and organizational activities.
Diversity Mission Statement
Pennsylvania PTA will work to be a high-performing, productive association through an inclusive community environment in which each individual is valued for his/her unique skills, talents and contributions in order to capitalize on the innovation inherent in diverse populations.
Pennsylvania PTA’s Goals Toward Diversity and Inclusion
Our inclusion policy addresses the needs of Pennsylvania’s students, families, schools, and communities regardless of the differences and similarities including but not limited to age, ethnicity, language and culture, socio-economic status, education background, gender, geographic location, marital status, mental ability, national origin, organizational position and tenure, parental status, physical ability, political philosophy, race, religion and work experience.
Success occurs when each member of the association is held accountable. For this reason, existing policies and processes need to be evaluated to ensure that diversity is a core competency.
Therefore: It is the Policy of Pennsylvania PTA to:
• Promote awareness, inclusion and engagement of all diverse populations represented in the community and to encourage all Council and Local PTAs to do likewise;
• Openly assess beliefs and practices to assure inclusiveness and guard against discrimination;
• Make every effort to create a PTA board and membership that is inclusive and reflective of its community;
• Encourage that all PTA activities at the school be planned by a committee which is representative of the population
• Foster programs and practices that eliminate bias, prejudice and misunderstanding within their communities;
• Become acquainted with the leaders of the many diverse groups in the community and collaborate with them to increase parent, family and community involvement;
• Educate its leaders and members to the needs, cultural beliefs, traditions and family structures of the population they serve;
• Propose change wherever discriminatory practices are perceived; *
• Treat ALL individuals and groups with respect and dignity;
• Make decisions based on equity and fairness to ALL.
Pennsylvania PTA values and appreciates diversity, which enriches and strengthens the structure of our society within our state and nation.*
*The italicized parts are from National PTA Diversity and Inclusion Policy and should be used in its entirety with no portion quoted out of context.
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